There’s a lot about living in Auckland that isn’t affordable – house prices, commuting – even just going out for a drink can be dear as.

But website design shouldn’t be one of them. There should be a local web company that provides Auckland businesses with affordable website design.

And there is – PogoStick Web Services offer a fully customised website design service for just $299 – no strings attached and no long term contracts that lock you in with ongoing monthly costs. We do offer a monthly hosting service for $7.90 but it’s optional if you have your own hosting already setup.

Why cheaper website design?

Mostly the price you pay for a product or service is determined to a large degree by what it costs them to provide it (I say mostly because some prices defy any sort of rational explanation other than greed unfortunately – car parts being one of them). With Auckland’s cost of living index a lot higher than most NZ cities it means they need to pay their staff more. It also means they’re liking paying higher office rents. All that needs to covered by what they charge you for website design.

As a NZ-based website company we’ve looked at all the ways we can trim back on our costs so that we can offer local businesses an affordable website design option. We’ve also passed on the savings from advances in website technology that allow websites to be built faster, not overselling clients with more than they need to achieve their business goals and taking advantage of 3rd-party online services.

So the result is the website is cheaper for you, without the need to get locked into expensive, long-term contracts or sacrificing the key elements of a professional business website – smart, modern, mobile-friendly and matching your company branding and logo. Your total cost of ownership is also less because you get a website built on a modern, open platform (WordPress) so you have a lot more options in terms of choosing developers, finding free upgrades or changing the look and feel of your website.

It means an affordable website that just looks like it should cost a lot more.

But we’re in Christchurch! Is that a problem for Auckland businesses?

So while we have a lot of Auckland-based clients (and also rank #2 for “affordable website design auckland” – click here to check our current position) we aren’t actually based in Auckland – our office is in Christchurch, where we’ve been operating from for over 10 years now. And while we are a bit one-eyed when it comes to the rugby, we love all NZ businesses no matter where they are!

The good news is that it isn’t a problem for our Auckland clients to deal with us all the way down here in Christchurch. Email provides a convenient and clear method of communicating what’s needed and by when, and if it’s required meetings can be done by Skype or Google Meet, or even a phone call if they prefer.

Using email to send us requests for a new website, or changes to their existing site, provides both parties with a clear reference of exactly what needs doing, and also helps clients to clarify in their own minds what they are looking for. No more phone tag or misheard conversations due to bad connections! Face-to-face meetups and phone calls still have their place and can be good for initial kick-off meetings but email has proven to be the quickest and most convenient way for our Auckland clients to deal with us.

Auckland businesses – You now have an affordable website design option

With complete business website packages starting from just $299 you no longer have to pay Auckland prices for a new or upgraded website. It’s super easy to get started, we provide you with a simple step-by-step plan as well as a getting started guide that walks you through the process – you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home or office, or even make a time to pick up the phone – just all from your keyboard.

It’s what we do here at PogoStick Web Services – making a new or upgraded website affordable – and easy – since 2008. So if you’re in Auckland, send those website orders south – we promise it won’t take any longer 🙂 but it will save you a lot of money.

Affordable website design for Auckland businesses