If you can remember way back when [insert flashback montage here] it seemed every business suddenly had a free email account, like [email protected] or [email protected] (yeh people used to put underscores in emails, but no one cared because we were all so giddy with excitement that we were now able to send businesses messages at 2am rather than making a million mental notes to call so and so about some thingamajig we needed fixed).

Of course, we’ve all matured a bit since then and we have plenty of other electronic options to communicate with businesses.

And with emails, the affordability of domain-based email services (ours is included free with your basic hosting service) has meant that businesses have scrubbed up their image and have moved away from free email accounts to their own domain-based email like [email protected].

Great, we’re all for domain-based emails and support all our clients with their own email, whether it’s our free domain-based email or a paid service like Google Workspace or Office 365, but did you know it’s still a really good idea for every business to also have a free Gmail account?

Why every business should have a Gmail account?

1 – It works better with all your Google services – Google Ads, Google Analytics, YouTube, Google Business, Search Console etc. – when it comes to logging in or signing up for a new Google service, a business Gmail account works perfectly. There’s no hassle with having to create a separate Google account or your personal Gmail getting mixed up with business-related activities.

2 – It’s a free upgrade for your POP-based email service – With Gmail you can easily integrate your free domain-based POP email account, giving you all the benefits of an IMAP service – access from anywhere, your phone, work PC or home laptop, as well as providing you with the 15GB of storage you get with a free Gmail account. Other software programs like Outlook actually don’t offer the option to add a POP account, so Gmail is a better choice.

3 – It’s a handy backup for your email services (just in case) – if for some reason, you forget to renew your domain or hosting and your domain-based email, customers or service providers can still get in touch with you, or you can continue to receive notifications from your social media pages.

4 – Easy, modern interface – Gmail offers a sleek and intuitive interface that’s easy to navigate, making it ideal for both seasoned professionals and newcomers to email communication. Its familiar layout ensures minimal training time for employees, boosting productivity from the outset.

5 – Instant access to free Google services – Free Gmail accounts seamlessly integrate with a suite of Google services such as Google Drive (Google Docs, Sheets and other Microsoft Office substitutes), Google Calendar, and Google Meet. This integration enhances collaboration and productivity by allowing users to share files, schedule meetings, and conduct video conferences directly from their Gmail inbox.

6 – Heaps of storage space – Gmail provides generous storage space, with 15GB available for free across Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. It’s ample storage capacity ensures they can store a significant volume of emails and attachments without running out of space. And there are options to buy extra storage if it’s needed.

7 – Portable – With the majority of professionals relying on mobile devices for business communication, Gmail’s mobile app offers seamless access to emails on the go. Employees can stay connected and respond to emails promptly, whether they’re using smartphones or tablets, enhancing productivity and responsiveness.

8 – A better way to email – Gmail is a better way to manage your emails offering a range of powerful features designed to streamline email management. From advanced search capabilities and customisable filters to labels and priority inbox, Gmail empowers users to organise their inbox efficiently and focus on important tasks. You can even be logged into multiple Gmail accounts and manage them all simultaneously in the same browser session.

9 – It’s secure – Gmail prioritises the security and privacy of users’ data, employing robust encryption, spam filtering, and malware detection mechanisms. While additional security features may be available through paid plans or custom domain-based email addresses, the free version of Gmail still offers comprehensive security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

10 – It’s absolutely free – Did we mention it’s free? There’s no risk to give it a try and see what you think. Sure, you might have been raised on using Microsoft products and have a soft spot for Outlook, but give Gmail an opportunity and you might just see how much better it is, and never go back. Just head over to www.gmail.com to create a new account today.

11 – Bonus: File versions for easier document management – Does your business have PDF documents that get updated from time to time, and you share on your website? We have some good news. Google Drive has a neat little feature where you can update an existing file with a new version and the share link won’t change. Just right click on a file in your Drive and choose the option to upload a new version, and you’re done! No need to update links across your website or other online content.

Need any help with Google services?

Speaking of Gmail and logging into Google business services, do you need any assistance with any of these products. We have Google certification in a range of services including pay per click ads, Google Shopping and display advertising, and we’re a Google Workspace partner and can offer you discounted access to paid plans.

We also help clients with setting up Google Business profiles, setting up analytics and conversion tracking or ad campaigns, and linking these services to your affordable business website.

Just get in touch if you have any questions, or want to start accessing Google’s website promotional tools.

10 reasons every business should have a Gmail account