Payments can be made by internet banking or with your credit card. Please include reference details so your payment can be applied to the correct account. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Payment for services indicates acceptance of our terms.

One-off Payments

Project deposits and invoices can be paid by direct credit (internet banking) or credit card.

Internet banking
Payments can be direct credited to Kiwibank 38-9002 0400754-16 (please enter your website name as the reference). For website hosting payments, please use the suffix 17.

Credit card
You can pay using MasterCard or Visa (4% card fee).

Monthly Subscriptions

You can purchase one of our website packages (includes website & hosting) or hosting products as a monthly subscription. It’s ideal for anyone who wants more of a DIY solution, creating your pages or products using the provided site builder software (similar to Wix or Shopify). We’re also available to help (hourly rate applies).

You will still need a domain name for your website, which you can register here.

To sign up, submit an initial, one-off payment by clicking the button below. We will then contact you to confirm when you want your subscription to start, get details about your website setup, as well as answer any other questions you have.