What’s happening?

We recently emailed clients to let them know that will need to renew their domains going forward.

We will continue to host and maintain their website.

This page is designed to address questions clients may have about this change. If your question isn’t covered here please contact us.

What is a website domain and how is it different from hosting?

A website domain (also called a URL) is your address on the internet – it’s how people find you online. It’s similar to how a street address helps people find your home or shop.

Hosting is a separate service, and makes sure your website pages (pages, text, photos etc.) are available to visitors 24/7. If a domain is a street address, then hosting is the house!

Why are we doing this?

It’s probably best to first explain why we registered domains for clients in the past. In an effort to make the whole process of getting a business website as simple as possible we decided we’d look after the registration and renewal of the client’s domain. It meant we were very much a one-stop shop for any business owner needing a website, and simplified the whole process.

There are a few reasons why we’ve changed to asking clients to manage their domain.

  • Key business asset – In this electronic age, your website domain is an important business asset. Think of it as digital real estate. We believe that as a matter of good policy every business should have full control and ownership of their website domain name. While we have never misused domain ownership in over 10 years of operation, we do understand that many business owners feel more comfortable having the ‘keys’ to their domain.
  • It’s now easier – The process of registering a domain name is now easier than it was 10 years ago, and people are a lot more comfortable buying things online. You can buy, renew or transfer your domain name with us, at the best price.
  • Letting clients decide – By letting clients control the domain registration process they have the freedom to decide if they wish to renew it when it comes due, and how long they want to renew it for (sometimes there are deals for longer registration periods and rumour has it that there is some small SEO value to extend the expiry date of your domain).

How much does it cost to transfer a domain?

It is free to transfer a domain.

What if I want to use a different domain registrar or account?

No problem! Simply login to the Crazy Domains account we’ve created for you, obtain the UDAI (pronounced you-dye) and use that to transfer the domain to another provider. If you have any problems just contact us.

What if I need help with managing or transferring my domain?

We are still available to help, or point you in the right direction for assistance. Most (NZ-based) registrars have toll-free support lines or online chat options if you have questions.

How will I know when to renew my domain?

Once you’ve transferred your domain you will need to renew it to keep it current. Your domain registrar will send several email reminders well in advance of the expiry date, to the email address you use to create your account with them.

Most registrars also offer the option of renewing your domain automatically.

How much does it cost to renew my domain?

Different registrars charge different prices so it pays to shop around. Check our blog for a summary of current pricing in NZ.

Beware of upsells – Just about all domain registrars will attempt to sell you extras or encourage you to register the domain for several years. In most cases these upsells are completely unnecessary.

But isn’t the cost of renewal included in my hosting?

Yes, it was, however we have since reduced the cost of our monthly hosting to reflect this change. Once your domain has been transferred you will be eligible for this reduced hosting price.

How do I change the contact details for my domain?

Most details can be changed online using your login to your domain registrar. Registrant details can be changed but there may be costs for this; contact your registrar for more information. Domain contact details can be hidden by making your domain private (domain registrars generally charge for this service).